Struggling With Bad Credit?

Elevate Your Credit Score

Discover the Ultimate Credit Improvement Program

Perfect Score is an online program that teaches you the basics of money management, while a dedicated team works on repairing your credit history at the same time

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What's inside the Perfect Score program

The complete financial toolbox

We believe everyone should have access to finance without unfavourable terms. That's why we carefully created the Perfect Score program to help people like you repair your credit, enhance your financial situation, and get approved for finance. Our program will:

  • Work to repair your credit history
  • Teach you about money management
  • Set you up to re-apply for your loan
Understanding Your Credit File

What Does My Score Mean?

Your credit score is a number to represent your creditworthiness and can range from 0 being the lowest to 1200 being the highest.

Your score will fluctuate based on your financial behaviour. Things such as making repayments on time and limiting your applications can increase the score. While things like defaults and judgments can decrease your score.

Lenders use this score to decide whether to lend you money, on what terms, and what interest rate.

Understanding Your Credit File

What Affects My Score?

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How It Works




You’re in! You’ve been invited to join the Perfect Score program. First off, we’ll go through your credit files thoroughly and dig into the details of each listing to understand your circumstances 




After our detailed investigation and information gathering, we’ll get you officially enrolled in the Perfect Score program. We’ll then submit your documents to challenge and aim to remove the negative entries from your credit report, all while you begin our step-by-step self-paced program. 




As soon as we get the results from our submission and you’ve worked your way through the 12-step program, we’ll take a look at your improved financial situation. If everything’s in order, we’ll advise on whether it’s time to re-apply for your loan 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my credit score?

By enrolling in the Perfect Score program, we'll collaborate with you to deepen your understanding of your credit file, banking habits, and goals. Our dedicated team will work to clear any negative listings that are impacting your credit score. Simultaneously, the program will guide you in managing your bank statements and finances effectively. This dual approach is designed to enhance your credit rating and prepare you for obtaining finance.

Does paying my debt remove the default?

Unfortunately, no. The default is a record that the debt wasn't paid on time and acts as a warning to future lenders. Occasionally, the lender might update the default to "paid", but the negative mark will remain for 5 years from the date it was listed. However, the team at Perfect Score may be able to remove the default off your credit report.

How long does the Perfect Score program take?

The 12-step program is designed to progress at a pace that suits you. Whether you finish one course weekly or annually, the choice is entirely yours. Meanwhile, our team will work on your credit files in the background. Our aim is to prepare our clients to be able to reapply for their loans within a timeframe of 6 to 12 weeks.

What are the costs involved?

The Perfect Score program operates on a subscription model. With your enrollment, you're investing just $99.00 monthly in exchange for extensive knowledge, educational resources, and a devoted team striving to enhance your credit and financial health. This small investment is an ideal steppingstone to gauge your ability to meet your loan repayments.

Can you remove my Bankruptcy / Part 9 Debt Agreement?

Unfortunately, we can't remove Bankruptcy and Part 9 Debt Agreements as they are recorded with the Australian Financial Security Authority. Bankruptcy typically stays on your credit file for five years, though you're discharged after three years and one day.

A Part 9 Debt Agreement is also typically noted on your credit report for five years, provided you adhere to the payment schedule. Should you settle the agreement early, it will be marked as discharged but will still appear on your credit file for the entire five-year term or for an additional two years from the payout date, whichever period is longer.

Can you guarantee results?

No company can guarantee the removal of information on your credit file - but we are committed to dispute your case and improve your credit history. The Perfect Score program aims not only to address issues on your credit file but also to get you on the right path to financial health and stability. What we can guarantee is that if you follow our complete program, we will have you become a more credit worthy applicant.

Can you help me get a loan afterwards?

Perfect Score is not a lender, but we have an impressive network of over 55 organisations that can assist you with your finance applications afterwards. The program will teach you how to get approved for car loans, personal loans, mortgages, business loans and more.

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Real People, Real Success

What Our Members Say

"The support team were great and very patient with me. Was previously declined but didnt know why. Once I completed my course, I got approved straight away."
Bruce Harrison
From declined to approved
"Well worth the investment. What I learnt in such a small amount of time helped me negotiate a much better rate than originally offered."
Chris Ebert
Lower interest rate